<aside> 🎯 This is an attempt at a new strategy to create a productive, safe, and impactful community for the new delegate voting DAO (Aragon DAO). Please reach out to @Anthony Leutenegger or @Jessica Smith if you have any questions.


<aside> ⚠️ The current state of “community” - the last (2021) community strategy was designed around a system of “levels”, in which “community” members were onboarded based on completing paid tasks for the ANDAO. The more tasks or difficult tasks were completed, the higher level a community member became. This has led to the creation of a community where paid contributors are deemed “community” and where members have permissionlessly entered the Aragon discord server to receive payment, rather than to build and promote the Aragon mission. The cascading effects of this include the recent methodology of “community” members creating proposals for misaligned work. These groups provide low ROI, more overhead for the core team, and apathy for ANT holders and DAO builders (one of our target markets). Further compounding this problem is the confusion around the Aragon manifesto, which at the time of crypto irrelevancy, was a large “call to action”. Since the explosion of the crypto market this now misperceived “call to action” has turned into “join our discord and get paid.” These problems are not solely felt by Aragon and are a common industry wide problem resulting from the goals set during the most recent bull market.


<aside> đź’ˇ In web2.0 strong communities typically form around organisations holistically. As there is rarely a financial incentive for these communities to form they are usually created based on shared interests, normally around the organisations mission, vision, and values. In web3.0 we are seeing communities form around organisations often for financial gain and thus curation is needed to optimise contact with the right community members.


The Problem

The current state of the Aragon community, as mentioned above, has negative cascading effects on Aragon. They include:

  1. Apathy for aligned community members from engaging with Aragon due to a lack of findable information or call to action
  2. Communication is getting bogged down by noise in the forum & discord
  3. Conversion (DAO builders or dev builders) is decreased as there is a lower likelihood of core members finding and interacting (or vice versa) with Aragon team members
  4. Higher costs for Aragon to hire and manage a large community team to manage misaligned community members
  5. Burnout and dissonance for core team members


  1. Create spaces (sandboxes) for the Aragon community mentioned below to effectively engage with the people and resources they need:

    1. Forum - for only ANT holders and used for proposal creation & governance.
    2. Discord - Create sandboxes for the right profiles:
      1. Developers - Channels for conversation, support, & questions
      2. DAO Builders/creators/Experts - Channels for conversation, support, & hired services (and future Aragon Success team)
    3. The Eagle newsletter & website - information for everyone
    4. Website - information for everyone
      1. Dev Portal - for devs
  2. Begin re-building relationships with the original community from 2017

    1. This has already begun unofficially

Do: Focus on the right people. ANT holders, developers, DAO builders.

Don’t: Spaces for people to hangout. Meta-governance channels. Ambassador program until we have or are close to PMF. ALL PERMISSION-LESS WORK.

Why do we have community?

The purpose of the Aragon DAO community is to bring value to the Aragon Network and ANT by building the largest and most aligned community that is active & engaged, building DAOs or technology with Aragon, and/or promoting our mission to the world.

They add value by: