- [ ] Step 1:
- [ ] Define work/process/task needed
- [ ] How does this task related to Guild/Team deliverables
- [ ] List deliverables required for completion
- [ ] List qualities/experience/education needed for creator
- [ ] Task be open to the public
- [ ] Task to be open to current contributors and creators
- [ ] Creator already identified
- [ ] Decide timelines including application cut off dates and task completion dates required
- [ ] Step 2:
- [ ] Review bounty with team for feedback and adjustments where necessary
- [ ] Decide with team how to award the bounty (eg. crowd sourced within team, voted on etc) and how this is to be done (via discord, email, googledocs etc)
- [ ] Agree on definition of done for bounty task
- [ ] Decide bounty payment with team, dependent on market rates, team needs etc.
- [ ] Step 3:
- [ ] Post Bounty on DeWork (adjust posting depending on if creator already identified, open to public or current contributors/creators)
- [ ] If open to applicants, once cut off date is reached, award bounty dependent on step 2 plan, and move bounty to “in process” to remove from public applicant viewings
- [ ] Step 4:
- [ ] Contact successful bounty applicant and provide them with any additional information needed to complete bounty not already listed on DeWork posting, including access to SEO checklist https://aragonorg.notion.site/aragonorg/SEO-Checklist-bcae72ceeee34ad9a9a6aec3d289d9d8
- [ ] Follow-up (if needed) at submission cut off date to receive/review bounty task
- [ ] Check with team if needed if task meets definition of done before approving payment
- [ ] Once task meets definition of done, move bounty task to Done on DeWork and bounty reward will be paid automatically by finance