1. Why would you consider joining an ambassador program? Passionate about the space and keen to learn and keep up to date with latest developments
  2. What benefits would you like to receive from an ambassador program? Depends on committement, equity if it was a new project, support with outreach
  3. What would you be willing to contribute as an ambassador? Prod strategy, get community involved, discussions re building community, promote DAO tech at his uni
  4. If you were already an ambassador, what did you like about the position/program? Liked the Aragon mission and people involved. Olympus DAO ambassador structure
  5. What did you not like about it, or would like to have changed? Zero structure w/ old program
  6. What suggestions would you make in the design of a, ambassador program? Specific time boxed goals
  7. Would you consider rejoining/joining a new Ambassador Program? Yes