Friendly guy, lives in Canada, from Seattle, works for LexDAO as a legal engineer.
- Why would you consider joining an ambassador program? Networking w potential clients, showcasing what lexdao can do, running DAO tooler clinic, referring clients to DAO toolers - currently referring to Mullic V3 (DAO House) and KellyDAO
- What benefits would you like to receive from an ambassador program? Partnership with his clinic to promote their work, perhaps help with event costs and promotions
- What would you be willing to contribute as an ambassador? Refer people to Aragon DAO Experts, Aragon App, provide legal advice, networking, academic content
- If you were already an ambassador, what did you like about the position/program?
- What did you not like about it, or would like to have changed?
- What suggestions would you make in the design of a, ambassador program? Ambassador meet-ups, would like to get to know fellow ambassadors, thus a controlled, limited size cohort
- Would you consider rejoining/joining a new Ambassador Program? Yes