Senior project manager, edu platform to build project and product manager competencies. Also founder of Roadthrill community (Road Thrill (, wants to move this to a DAO - have presence in 30 cities across India. Use Telegram, whatsapp, googledrive etc . 7k active community, 25 meet ups per month
Was part of ambassador program for couch surf program, and Royal Enfield
- Why would you consider joining an ambassador program? Wants to turn his co. into a DAO and needs support doing so.
- What benefits would you like to receive from an ambassador program? Org support with his own events
- What would you be willing to contribute as an ambassador? Content - is currently a blog writer. Happy to promote web3/tech stack
- If you were already an ambassador, what did you like about the position/program? Royal program - gets to test ride new bikes w expenses paid. Fancy
- What did you not like about it, or would like to have changed? When writing blogs for Royal sometimes asked to write on overly specific topics
- What suggestions would you make in the design of a, ambassador program? Ambassador recognition, how to make them feel special, and resources to help them improve what they are doing
- Would you consider rejoining/joining a new Ambassador Program - Yes