Senior project manager, edu platform to build project and product manager competencies. Also founder of Roadthrill community (Road Thrill (, wants to move this to a DAO - have presence in 30 cities across India. Use Telegram, whatsapp, googledrive etc . 7k active community, 25 meet ups per month

Was part of ambassador program for couch surf program, and Royal Enfield

  1. Why would you consider joining an ambassador program? Wants to turn his co. into a DAO and needs support doing so.
  2. What benefits would you like to receive from an ambassador program? Org support with his own events
  3. What would you be willing to contribute as an ambassador? Content - is currently a blog writer. Happy to promote web3/tech stack
  4. If you were already an ambassador, what did you like about the position/program? Royal program - gets to test ride new bikes w expenses paid. Fancy
  5. What did you not like about it, or would like to have changed? When writing blogs for Royal sometimes asked to write on overly specific topics
  6. What suggestions would you make in the design of a, ambassador program? Ambassador recognition, how to make them feel special, and resources to help them improve what they are doing
  7. Would you consider rejoining/joining a new Ambassador Program - Yes