Having issues? Get answers with the following methods:
Forum Most questions have already been asked. Check out the forum for discussion and resolutions to common problems.
Aragon Help Desk: For FAQ and documentation go to https://documentation.aragon.org/
For Support, reach out to Aragon Support by going to https://client.aragon.org/#/ and filling out the contact form at the bottom-right corner of your screen (magnifying glass).
Alternatively, follow the instructions below to contact Aragon Support without leaving Discord
Have any Questions? Head over to the #questions forum channel to get an answer to your questions. Try the search feature to see if that question has already been asked!
Found a bug or typo? Post the description to the #bugs-n-feedback channel. Include photos as well as steps to reproduce to make it clear.
Ideas for improvement? Submit them to the #bugs-n-feedback ****channel
Have a question about governance, onboarding, marketing or anything else? Go ahead and ask in the #questions ****channel and one of our Support members will make sure you are directed to the right person