Most important elements in web3 onboarding?

What is the web3 space getting right with onboarding?

Where is the space failing at onboarding?

Can you share your opinion of the current status of onboarding in the space?

What advise would you give to projects in the process of designing their onboarding?

What would you prioritize when designing an onboarding process?

The new starter feeling welcome / comfortable within the organisation, in addition to having all the necessary tools / software they need to fully function within their role — as well as all the relevant information they need to get up to speed about the company and the requirements for their role (in small doses though, it’s best to try and avert information overload on day one)

What was your most interesting experience or observation of onboarding in this space?

What advise would you offer to someone designing an onboarding process, 2 do’s and 2 don’ts

• Do: 1. Have an onboarding checklist 2. Solicit regular feedback from new hires so as to continuously find ways to improve the onboarding process

• Don’t: 1. Leave anything to the last minute, allow plenty of room for planning (ahead of the new starter(s) arrival) 2. Take on the whole onboarding process yourself; delegate — assign buddies, get hiring managers involved, and plug-in calls so the new joiner can get integrated within the team