Being in a new place can often seem like a challenge. So being a new ambassador we have a few recommendations to help your onboarding process run a lot smoother.
Here in Aragon, we have an excellent community of talented contributors. Explore the conversation happening inside our community and introduce yourself. There are various different topics and working groups inside the network that you can participate in, listen to, read or more.
Locate the #ambassador-rewards channel.
After claiming a quest submit your work.
Browse and claim an active quest
After you submit your work your quest will be under review.
After the review process is complete “Mark as Complete” and claim your reward.
For new Quest applications:
For new ambassador applicants, there is a 2 step process for connecting with DAOExchange:
Ambassadors will have ample opportunities to show off their content in different curated events such as the Spotlight. This event gives an ambassador the opportunity to spotlight published content to invite a deeper conversation on their particular topic.