<aside> 👀 This is an initial draft. All feedback welcome!


Table of Contents

⭐️ Core Guild’s Purpose

We want to empower the next generation of DAOs with tooling that scales global collaboration efforts.

We will do this by developing modular, scalable, future-proof tooling, acting as the backbone for a generation of self sovereign impact builders.

Who we serve 👩🏻‍💻

The Core Guild serves developers looking for modular, scalable, and adaptable solutions for building digital organizations and the tooling they require to succeed.

These developers come from three main groups:

What we offer 📱

We provide the protocol layer and backbone for digital organizations through:

1. Our smart contracts

We offer a flexible, safe, and future-proof protocol for engineers to build digital organizations that can be freely customized.

Designed as a flexible permission management system, our smart contracts are modular enough to meet the demands of a dynamic market, while staying simple enough for engineers to easily build upon and integrate.

Our contracts take the most successful code from AragonOS and other Aragon products, building an innovative layer on top so they fit current and future market needs and expectations.

2. Software Development Kit