I start my week by always checking the following channels for information:

For proposal tracking: https://forum.aragon.org/c/proposals-for-main-dao/50

For Active votes: https://voice.aragon.org/tokens/info/#/0xa117000000f279d81a1d3cc75430faa017fa5a2e

In the same way, I'm checking the Discord channels every day looking for projects and to understand what everyone is working on.

Once I find something that I think might be interesting, I contact the person who seems to be responsible to inform me, ask for some reading material, or who can explain more about what it is. Also, I try to reach a conclusion with the person whether we should disclose this now or at some other time in the future (if the project is still in its initial stage or for any other reason).

I create a draft document where I jot down everything I might find interesting. I try to objectively inform about the subject that I'm writing, so that the texts don't become too long and tedious. I always provide some links so that people who are interested can delve into the subject.

More for the end of the week, Wednesday or Thursday, I add the texts that are sent to me by other people, do any editing I deem necessary and use Gramarly to be sure of the linguistic format.

At the same time I try to keep up to date with news or interesting things about web3 to share with everyone.

Once I have everything ready I try to send everything to Murphy so he can pass any corrections and it can be approved and sent to the design. Finally, I generate a traceable link through Linkly and then the sending is finished.