Here at Aragon we care about the health of our Community and provide a personalised help service for both our contributors and our teams who would like to improve their internal relations or who are going through a difficult period, perhaps due to work overload or because their proposal is under scrutiny and they want to seek a remedy to contain stress.
In particular, if you are a Contributor and:
- You struggle to create boundaries between work and private life
- You feel particularly stressed and struggle to manage deadlines
- You feel you have one of these symptoms of Burnout Syndrome
- You suffer from sleep deprivation
- You would like to improve your leadership skills
- You would like to improve your communication
- You are experiencing conflict and you don’t know how to manage (but please have a look also at our conflict mediation service for this)
- You simply would like to have a chat on something that is worrying you in this phase of your life
Or, if you are a member of a team and:
- You would like to improve the internal communication
- You would like to seek methods to solve problems collectively and with minimum friction
You are welcome to get in touch with Community Wellbeing sending a direct message to Incandenza#1594 to fix the time for an informal chat.
The service is free to all our contributors. Privacy is guaranteed.