Graviton training slides

from Juan

We have been improving our processes and making them more transparent. as i said, we are preparing some content for the graviton training that would be really useful for us too. I would also add to the flyer an invitation to the graviton training because it would be useful to have more familiarity around all this new content.

Basically, we can receive the inputs via Typeform or through direct contact to conflict management agents in the community.

Then, there is a graviton assigned to the case who offers a first approach to the person.

If needed, we have individual meetings with the parties involved, can be multiple with each one, trying to map the situation and identifying common ground. If needed, we can call a Subject Matter Expert to support in the area of the case.

then, if needed, We conduct a joint mediation meeting, drafting a document that is treated like an agreement between the parts. right now we use google docs, but we are working on Unbreakable vows to encrypt and sign the agreements.

Then, we make follow up calls to see how the conflict evolves or transforms

