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🤔What is ”THE DAO-A-THON”?

DAO-A-THON is the first DAO-focused mixture of ideathon and hackathon in Asia for web3 enthusiasts in Japan and around the world.

Since the word DAO advents and goes buzzy in the world, so many DAOs are created and faced still a lot of issues with scaling and the definition of DAO. Along with its difficulties, some DAOs are not decentralized and autonomous. The new talents are crazy about building the new ecosystem, but some nations like Japan do not still prevail over what the decentralized is to be like.

To solve these issues and unleash the unveiled potentials of talented, and non-talented web3 enthusiasts all over the world, we’ll make 2023 the dawn of an age of DAO. Let’s make the DAOism movement from Asia and make it the leading hotspot of the new communities.

Program schedule:8Apr-9Apr(Remote/In-person DAOathon)

Onboarding Kick off Session Event : 1(?) Apr.Feb

DAO AMA:2?th.Mar

Winner Announcement : 9Apr



🛠Potential Sponsors. (Each domain has 1-2 sponsors)

Frameworks TBD


Voting and governance TBD



Treasury Management