This page wants to describe a possible event strategy for community growth that can create a self-sustainable reinforcing cycle between building the best and most popular product on the market and transforming Aragon into the Town Hall for DAO Builders, as shown in the picture.
The ultimate goal is to bring Aragon into a leadership position in terms of both the use of its product (= number of active DAOs) and the use of its Community resources, in terms of events, growth opportunities and learning material. In other words, making sure that the word "DAO" is automatically associated with Aragon in the user's thought process, just as the word "e-commerce" is generally associated with Amazon.
To do so, Aragon should conquer a focal position in the discussion of everything relevant associated with the DAO world.
Aragon should become the habitual home of thought leaders, innovators, experts in particular fields but also of beginners eager to start their journey and contribute to the birth of the next 10.000 DAOs.
Related OKRs for Community Guilds:
COM- 1 Turn Aragon into the Town Square of Web3
COM- 2 Attract the right people to our Community
COM- 3 Help Aragon DAOs be successful
Phase 1: pre-launch. Mission: generate hype and create a Community