Aragon aims to become the Town Hall for DAO Builders, a focal point for education, connection and information exchange among all those interested in the DAO universe.
The purpose of this analysis is to identify strategies to make our community thrive and become self-sustainable (discussion is generate with a minimal inputs from our Community Team, that will perform only surveillance and moderations duties).
Composition of the Aragon Community
Definition of Community Health
For our purposes, we define a healthy community as a community in which individual members have developed a sense of belonging and ownerhip, the interactions between members are positive and productive, while communication is as decentralized as possible (= no single point of failure).
How to measure Community Health
In May 2022 Aragon approved a funding proposal from RnDAO to develop a Community Health Analysis tool, consisting of an organizational network analysis and a pulse survey performed through a Discord bot. The first tool creates a visual representation of how communications, information, and value creation take place through an organization. The Pulse Survey is helpful to gather qualitative data on items such as engagement, sense of belonging and sense of ownership, both from Contributors and Community Members.
An initial analysis of the Aragon Community using these tools was performend in early September 2022, covering interactions that occurred during Season 1 and the first month of Season 2. . Given the amount of time that passed since the last survey and the fact that we shifted our focus from Contributors to Builders and Devs, the data collected is no longer valid. Anyway, the report generated can still be used as a sample of the type of data that can be gathered.