How we write our name, how we use our symbols — these are the closest we get to a "signature" for Aragon. How they appear, whether tiny on a screen or enormous, becomes a crucial way for our customers and partners to find and trust us.

Please read carefully and use this guide for the correct and responsible use of our branding.




Our logo is composed of two key elements: the symbol (icon or mark) and the brandname. Both elements can live separately, but always within the rules established in this brand manual.

Our symbol (icon or mark) is called "Eagle" and our brand name is called "Aragon”.

The logotype can be used in one of three colors: Aragon blue, dark blue or white.

Aragon Blue ref:(Aragon/primary/400)

Aragon Blue ref:(Aragon/primary/400)

Dark Blue ref:(Aragon/primary/900)

Dark Blue ref:(Aragon/primary/900)

White ref:(Aragon/neutral/0)

White ref:(Aragon/neutral/0)

Download assets


Logo White

Logo White


Logo Blue

Logo Blue.svg

Clear space

To allow our logotype to stand out, do not place any objects such as graphics or text in the clear space shown. We will use the letter "O" of our brand name as a minimum separation reference.

Clear space

Clear space