Facilitator: Fintan
Secretary: Ellis
Check-in 5-10mins:
To-Do (15 mins)
[ ] Content Calendar to be discussed at Tuesday meeting and completed Friday of each week, with input based on Comms calendar - plan for next week
Twitter repurposing Next week: Reminder for people to deploy Aragon Client on Polygon Vocdoni, late last month. Cool stuff happening at Vocdoni. Barcelona football club using Vocdoni as a voting - @phero focus on charity jobs that Aragon is doing with UkraineDAO Blog articles to post DAO Experts Wednesday with Fabs
Check the forums if there’s any new proposals going out, ask Renee. Nothing posted on the Twitter except for live votes and results - @ellis liu
Posting Discord roll up on a Sat → Ayo will post a link to it
Carry to next week
[ ] Crossword metrics recorded? Phero has recorded it on the notion page
[ ] Metrics - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QfB5AAf38PGRmi8zrDu6QsXPDqBAmW6DGOhmfd2mTg4/edit#gid=0 Reddit & Telegram updated Agora still no access
[ ] Refine chatty Tuesday Post on each channel and commit to 2 messages - Discussion around on forums to honour ESD funds, vote ends in 24 hours. Have a discussion around that. Have a chatty Tuesday around forums FLOW: Monday → one of us goes on the forum and picks a topic being debated and post it in the group Tues → Put it into a post for chatty Tuesday
[ ] Social media - Outreach - Added as task on DeWork, waiting for reply from Anthony
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[ ] FAQ’s -