Check-in 5 mins:
Contributor Scrum Stand-up (10-15 mins)
[ ] Fintan -
-Last week- Worked on content gigs creators articles, wrote and posted the end of month report, started research on Polkadot and Colony
Dework- updating all tasks and getting reviews, developed initial info/data for growth outreach
-This week- Ambassador meet up for Polkadot, Working on outreach (get meetings with Colony and Polkadot contributors), finalize research plan for Community Guild, finish out content pieces for review, help Ellis with Reddit growth and Paolo with community handbook/off-boarding
-Blocker- Gig creators
[ ] Phero
Last week- TG moderation, researching buildspace (developer DAO), researched free courses on digital marketing, got 3 he will share studying DAOs- Joining DAOs to learn from their communities
This week- Work on content, Article research, channeling messaging ideas
Blockers- Info overload, missing meetings due to time zone issues
What will I do in the week ahead
Researching growth social media courses, deciding which one to go with
dGov learning articles → posting these on Reddit
Continue on research on DAOs & conversation topics Blockers: nada
[ ] Shawn -
Last Week-
This week-
[ ] Paolo -
This week:
Next week:
Social media - Outreach (10mins) -
To-Do (15 mins)
[ ] Discord roll up - comments? (needs to be proof read)
[ ] Metrics -
[ ] Having huge challenge in pulling out discord metrics as the stats are not accurate. Stats bots? - Shawn is watching, stats have increased from last week
[ ] Refine chatty Tuesday → combined into Topic of the Week (Monday) Have a couple of suggestions for topic of the week -
[ ] FAQ’s -
[ ] Team training to grow our channels?
Research on any social media training out there:
Growth Academy - ($250)