Check-in 5-10mins:
- [ ] Fintan - Doing great, nice to see you fine folks today
- [ ] Phero doing great football team won!
- [ ] Ellis - Doing good, productive week caught up with Palo
- [ ] Ayo - Doing great!
To-Do (15 mins)
- [ ] Content Calendar to be discussed at Tuesday meeting and completed Friday of each week, with input based on Comms calendar -
CONTENT CALENDAR 2022 | Timeline (notion.site)
- [x] Discord amplification of social media posts and visa versa - process? Share calendar?
- Topic of the Week - Tues might be early for that (usually two topics a week) By Friday
- Twitter Thread on Participatory Governance post on Thurs
- To review the dGov S2 proposal with the community
- By Thurs we share the topic (for El any dGov stuff posted) and plug the topic into the calendar
Anything we’re missing that we need to amplify on social media
Topic of the week, community round table, every Monday summarize conversations held during the AMA session. Discord rollup
Posting The Eagle on Friday
Posting Discord roll up on a Sat → Ayo will post a link to it
- [x] Finalize crossword contest
Go ahead with the latest crossword
- [x] Metrics - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QfB5AAf38PGRmi8zrDu6QsXPDqBAmW6DGOhmfd2mTg4/edit#gid=0
- Update every Monday
- [x] Refine chatty Tuesday
Post on each channel and commit to 2 messages - responses to whatever gets posted that day
Content calendar for next week ready by Friday
- [x] Do we want to make these meetings public to get more community input?
Try out public meeting on Aragon Discord starting next week
- [ ] Social media - Outreach - How can we combine efforts and align with AA efforts
- [ ] Combining our efforts we should have a single source for record keeping to avoid contacting the same community/project twice by different moderators.
Reached out to Anthony - waiting on Anthony’s feedback on what his thoughts are
- [ ] Replying to people shilling their projects - template responses and add to FAQs
Marketing, selling products, list ANTs
”Thanks but we don’t get involved in these
we don’t currently have a need for marketing service etc.” Fintan to add it into the FAQ
(Don’t want to be sending these folks into Discord)
Refocus efforts towards both community and Devs and Builders. Need to continue communicating with community but focusing more efforts on Dev and Builder focused initiatives. How (ideas - 20-30mins):
Contest ideas
- Builders build a DAO
→ Short thread on a developer’s DAO journey
- Dev’s thread: to suggest best tools for DAO functioning and why
- Dev’s to create a DAO specific code
- could be used for HR purposes to ID potential Aragon Devs
- DGov - Gamify governance
- Non Dev meme contest - “so basically you’re a group of people that share a treasury and you vote to make decisions for the fund and if you don’t vote you…” — dao tldr explainer as caption (see Lia Meme on Agora page)
b. Content ideas
- Devs views of DAOs- Whats the code like, what are the processes like, common issues, etc.
- Wikipedia page - uniswap only web3 with page (dTech Bounty?)
- Aragon Member/DAO builder on Aragon stack highlight: How did they get started into their DAO journey
- Expectations vs reality of building a DAO thread / meme / blog
- What a DAO builder does and what their family members think they do
- Video of how-to Guide for Devs - Getting started, first steps
Comms with followers asking questions re DAO set-up or operations, how can we engage with them?
Plan on reviewing these ideas with AA, refine the best ones and add them to our Product Back Log for us to start working on
- Start getting some use cases to share with others
- Their successes and failure to share with the community, dm the users to find out the information