Check-in 5 mins:
- Check-in
- [ ] Phero - Doing great, had a long weekend been laidback
- [ ] Fintan - Dog died last week, family wants to get chickens and goats, animal farm upcoming
- [ ] Ellis - Doing good, had a halloumi wrap
- [ ] Ayo - Doing great, trying to walk off the active week, feeling pain in her neck from accumulated stress from sitting position
- [ ] Shawnzy - Missing a plug
- [ ] Paulo- Flying to Hungary
Contributor Scrum Stand-up (10-15 mins)
- What did I do in the last week?
- What will I do in the week ahead
- Are there any impediments in my way
[ ] Fintan -
-Last week-
- Attended Polkadot Ambassador meet up and did research on project,
- Did work on off-boarding and contributor review process
- lots of meetings, DevDAO AMA and Friday social (good chat on treasury mgt)
- continued work on content articles on content gigs creators articles
- Dework- updating all tasks
-This week-
- Research Colony,
- finish out content pieces for review and start content piece on on-boarding w C and Shawn,
- Help Ellis with Reddit growth,
- Do another continued edu course,
- Finish off-boarding and contributor review drafts w Paolo
-Blocker/things I did not do- Help w Reddit, quality of content bounty holders
[ ] Phero
Last week- TG moderation, researching buildspace (developer DAO), researched free courses on digital marketing, got 3 he will share studying DAOs- Joining DAOs to learn from their communities
Engagement was not as expected
This week- Work on content, Article research, channeling messaging ideas
Increase retention on Telegram channel
Being in the space and adding value to the space
Blockers- Info overload, missing meetings due to time zone issues
What will I do in the week ahead
Creating content & discussion for Reddit
Listening to the upcoming AMA and creating a thread on the questions or key takeaways from the AMA - The Future of Work in Web3
dGov learning articles → posting these on Reddit
Cross-posting relevant thread on subreddit
Continue on doing research into 2 other DAOs
[ ] Ayo
Last Week-
- Researching and creating the discord contents (topic of the week, discord roll-up, AMA summary, general weekly welcome note)
- Discord engagement
This week-
- Organizing the community round table (research on topic, prepare slides, sesh invite, reach out to experts in the topic of discussion)
- Finalize POAP distribution (will bounty be set up ?)
- RnDAO Community health report meeting
- Create content for discord engagement
- Meeting with Fintan and Nelson from Avenue on the avenue bot on discord
[ ] Shawn -
Last Week-
- AMA with DevDAO, good feedback from that
- Co-hosted Friday social with Alex, talked about treasury management
- Refine the ambassador programme with Carl , benefits of the ambassador programme
- Community Guild office hour, only Chidi came in
- Made edits on catapult contributor form
- DAO expert application form, launched on the website this week
- Research on DevDAO
- Confirmation from DevDAO that they would like to participate in upcoming hackathon
- Created OKR database on notion page
- AA flushing out OKR
- Bunch of meetings
- App review sprint
- Posted updates for Rinkeby
This week-
- AMAs
- Finalizing OKRs
- Getting Friday Socials set for the next month
- Setting up Bridged channels for DAO Experts
- Writing copy to invite Experts to bridge their channel
- Integration for comms team - mentions, web2 product
Searches all mentions of Aragon on the internet
- Meeting with Harry, how the community guild will support the community inbetween the phase of when the app
[ ] Paolo -
This week:
- [ ] Offboarding policy, draft 1 is done
- [ ] Update on paid leave policy
- [ ] Post discussion prompt
- [ ] Finalizing community debate with Ayo
- [ ] Started working on Discord revamp
- [ ] DAO workshop
- [ ] Moved all 1 on 1 contributors
Next week:
To-Do’s from last week (10mins) -
- Research
[ ] Master Database:
[ ] First objectives -
- [ ] Phero: BuildspaceDAO and forefrontDAO
Major focus is to get people to build on web3 space, motivates people developers to pick up projects, incentize them to get free NFT.
5 days to complete a project, get an NFT that gives u access to certain channels
Supportive system
Looking at DAOHQ
- [ ] Fintan: Polkadot and Colony
- [ ] Ellis: LearnWeb3DAO
- [ ] Ayo: Kernel and metricsDAO
compassionate criticism
invite-only program
MetricsDAO majorly into people that do analytics, data analytics in the blockchain
- [ ] Shawn: DevDAO then Syndicate
Finished up this week, starting on Syndicate this week
- [ ] Paolo - Praise bot reached out asking if we’re still interested
[ ] Research Objectives for next week:
- [ ] Phero - DAOHQ
- [ ] Ellis - Alchemy
- [ ] Fintan - Colony
- [ ] Ayo - Kernel
[ ] Team Training, continued edu course and learnings documented:
- [ ] Phero- Less on product, more content that resonates with the community. Messaging and getting to know them more
- [ ] El - Doing a thread on AMA and posting that on Reddit
- [ ] Fintan - will do a course this week
- [ ] Ayo - will do a course this week
Bi-weekly learning course
[ ] Discord roll-up updates (Ayo)
[ ] FAQs (evergreen) update
Metrics and OKR’s:
- [ ] Metrics -
- [ ] OKRs review -
- [ ] Com 2 - 10 reports by end of Q4 and Ambassador framework
- [ ] Com 3:
- [ ] Inform community of new app and waiting list
- [ ] New content piece per month
- [ ] Increase AMA and welcome call participation by 20%
Having experts share the AMAs on their personal AMA or their DevDAO Twitter account
More mentions on other platforms, social channels
Post 2 or 3 days on the AMAs, day before and the day of
Different information on building up social media posts
How can we identify Twitter influencers within Aragon community to promote the AMA
Creating a buzz on Discord with the community
- [ ] Com 5 - DAO Experts, how can we help?
- [ ] Com 6 -
- [ ] Agile, do you feel you understand the concepts introduced thus far?
- [ ] Do we feel this framework is helping?
- Build Agenda(15 mins)
Paolo - Updates from last week (10mins)
- WorkDAO - wants to invite Jake to community wellbeing meeting, they can showcase what they are doing, leverage learnings from both communities
They are doing the flyer, will send them the logo
2. Networking event - speed dating for DAO Builders, to get to know other DAOs. DAO Builders with Benefits!!
Bounty for POAP
Having a vetting process for the Shill your DAO
Difficult to have people self-select
Will send Growth team the copy of the debate